Fake Honey Alert!

The European Commission sampled 320 honeys sold in 16 EU countries, as well as Switzerland and Norway, between 2021 and 2022 and announced their results in March 2023

Half of the samples were suspected to have been adulterated

74% of honey from China
93% of honey from Turkey
100% of UK samples

Fake Honey Alert!

The European Commission sampled 320 honeys sold in 16 EU countries, as well as Switzerland and Norway, between 2021 and 2022 and announced their results in March 2023

Half of the samples were suspected to have been adulterated

74% of honey from China
93% of honey from Turkey
100% of UK samples

In many cases, affordable supermarket honey is an imported blend sourced from multiple countries. In 2022, the UK imported over 38,000 tonnes of honey, with China being the largest supplier, where there is a known risk of adulteration with sugar syrup, additives and colourings.

Adulterated honey deceives consumers, reduces the quality and nutritional value of the product, and undermines the integrity of the honey industry. Due to the absence of country of origin labelling regulations for blended honeys involving multiple countries, many shoppers are unaware that the inexpensive honey they purchase likely originates from China.

If the label on your honey says ‘Produce of the EU and other Countries’ where is it from?

Buy from your local beekeeper!

In many cases, affordable supermarket honey is an imported blend sourced from multiple countries. In 2022, the UK imported over 38,000 tonnes of honey, with China being the largest supplier, where there is a known risk of adulteration with sugar syrup, additives and colourings.

Adulterated honey deceives consumers, reduces the quality and nutritional value of the product, and undermines the integrity of the honey industry. Due to the absence of country of origin labelling regulations for blended honeys involving multiple countries, many shoppers are unaware that the inexpensive honey they purchase likely originates from China.

If the label on your honey says ‘Produce of the EU and other Countries’ where is it from?

Buy from your local beekeeper!

Local Honey Merchants Map

Click the map once to activate, then click on the honey dippers for merchant details